February 20th 2019, OPEM has organized SCIENCE AND ICT DAY at Central Lyceum, in Ghana. Eight lab workshop were settle to help students to realized different manipulations: lighting two bobs in serial and parallel, lighting 2 LED in serial and in parallel, starting of CC motor, Archimedes’s principle, sulfur combustion, gas dilatation, fabrication of hydrogen, ICT and coding. Students of OPEM helped their friends of Central to do these labs.

OPEM projects assistants monitor the event by giving details explanations. Students of Central Lyceum were really happy to touch and manipulate Physics and Chemistry equipments they have event seen.

Science teacher also took this opportunity to explain some lessons. At the end of the day, students attest have learned a lot during this science and ICT day. They asked OPEM to be back to their school as soon as possible for more labs.
By Victor José Afanou CEO OPEM
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