OPEM is Panafricain Science and Technology College based in Lome Togo in witch the education system is typicaly designe for Africian development. OPEM curricula combine Togo program and European education program. Pupils of 15 years old of secondary school, form four, presented practice projects after their BEPC (the official assesment). On Saturday 28th Augest 2021 at OPEM HQ Lome Togo, three projets of CERTIFICATION OEPM 1 where presented in front of a jury and parents. These five pupils who have their BEPC with honor have developed engineering projets that haw warmly appreciated by the assistance.
Ryan and Ingrid have decided to program the school bell. This was done withing two weeks by ARDUINO.
Fidel decided to create an automatical garage when Ebenezer and Yannick have created a trafic light station.
These three projects based on design, modelisation and calculation show that OPEM’s students develope high STEM skills. During the coming three years they will improve their knowledge for the CERTIFICATION OPEM 2. OPEM form African new scientistes for sustainable development.
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